PumpTalk Blog

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PumpTalk Blog

Hands Free: Willow Pump Tips & Tricks - Idaho Jones

How to Use the Willow Pump

Curious about the Willow breast pump? Here’s some info, tips, and tricks.

How to Use the Willow Pump

Curious about the Willow breast pump? Here’s some info, tips, and tricks.

How to Hand Express Milk - Idaho Jones

How Much Milk Can You Hand Express

Hand expression can help build milk supply, prevent clogged ducts, and relieve discomfort when your breasts are full.

How Much Milk Can You Hand Express

Hand expression can help build milk supply, prevent clogged ducts, and relieve discomfort when your breasts are full.

Stay Safe: Breast Milk Storage Guidelines - Idaho Jones

Expressed Breast Milk Storage Guidelines

These guidelines will help you and your baby stay safe when expressing, storing, and handling breast milk.

Expressed Breast Milk Storage Guidelines

These guidelines will help you and your baby stay safe when expressing, storing, and handling breast milk.

Know Your Meds: Zyrtec and Breastfeeding - Idaho Jones

Is Zyrtec Safe When Breastfeeding

If you need to treat allergies and congestion, you may wonder if Zyrtec while breastfeeding is safe. Here’s the current data.

Is Zyrtec Safe When Breastfeeding

If you need to treat allergies and congestion, you may wonder if Zyrtec while breastfeeding is safe. Here’s the current data.

Alcohol and Breastfeeding - Idaho Jones

Alcohol and Breastfeeding How Long to Wait

Many mothers wonder about the safety of breastfeeding and alcohol. Good news: there is research to help you make the right decision for yourself and your baby.

Alcohol and Breastfeeding How Long to Wait

Many mothers wonder about the safety of breastfeeding and alcohol. Good news: there is research to help you make the right decision for yourself and your baby.

Benefits of Breastfeeding: Baby Edition - Idaho Jones

Importance of Breastfeeding for the Baby

Breastfeeding has a number of short- and long-term benefits for your baby. Here are just a few of the benefits of breastfeeding for babies; many of them apply to babies...

Importance of Breastfeeding for the Baby

Breastfeeding has a number of short- and long-term benefits for your baby. Here are just a few of the benefits of breastfeeding for babies; many of them apply to babies...