A good bra is important for getting the most out of your hands-free pump. This post includes several bra recommendations, as well as fit tips for choosing the best bra for your Willow or Elvie breast pump. When considering a bra for your Elvie or Willow pump, it’s important to consider the following:
- Full-coverage: This ensures the bra will hold your hands-free pump in place and help you keep good suction throughout the session.
- Nursing flap: A bra specifically designed for nursing, with a flap, will make it easy to position your pump and check on things if they aren’t feeling right.
- No underwire: In general, underwire bras are not recommended while breastfeeding, as they can cause clogged ducts or mastitis.
- No padding: A bra without padding will help ensure enough room for your hands-free pump while offering secure, comfortable support.
- A comfortable, secure fit: Overall, you want a bra that is both comfortable and secure.
Here are some of the bras we’ve found that meet these criteria and have great reviews:
- Amelia Pumping & Nursing Crop Cami from Davin & Adley: This comfy cami is designed for both nursing and pumping, and can easily accommodate a wearable pump.
- Women’s Seamless Nursing Bra by Auden: An affordable nursing bra from Target brand Auden, this is a popular favorite amongst Willow and Elvie users.
- Simply Sublime Nursing Bra from Kindred Bravely: This award winning nursing bra comes in a variety of colors and a large range of sizes.
- All in One Bra from Ollie Gray: This all in one bra is designed for everything from pumping to exercising, and comes in a variety of patterns.
- Rose 2.0 Nursing + Handsfree Pumping Bra from The Dairy Fairy: A stylish option, this bra is made to be both comfortable and modern.